Here is Lisa's ranking in order from worst to best. Along with a rating on a scale of 0 to 10.
Dublin Airport
- Scratchy
- Single-ply
- Unattractive, plain, tan in color
- Felt like a brown paper bag
- Rating: 1.5
Park House Hotel
- Strong and sturdy
- Single-ply
- Not soft
- White with no patterns
- Thickness of a Brawny paper towel
- Texture of a fast food napkin
- Rating: 3.0
Hotel Doolin
- Supposedly made of recycled cardboard drink cartons
- Tan in color
- Single-ply
- Not too rough
- Had brown flower patterns printed on it.
- Thickness of fast food napkin
- Texture of an average paper towel
- Rating: 3.7
Fairview Guesthouse
- Average strength
- White
- 3-ply (each ply the thickness of cheap TP you'd find in a typical bar)
- Embossed with leaves and dots
- Perforations break apart far too easily, almost impossible to pull off more than a single sheet at a time
- Texture and softness of a party napkin.
- Rating: 4.1
Petrol Station on N67 East of Kilkee
- Surprisingly good given it was at a gas station
- White
- 2-ply
- Unpatterned
- Twice as thick as the Fairview Guesthouse
- Texture slightly "papery"
- Not bad for TP, but wouldn't want to use it to blow your nose
- Rating: 4.6
Flaherty's on Inis Oirr
- Typical TP you might find in a bar in USA
- A bit thin, but not too flimsy
- White
- Un-patterned on a huge roll
- Softer than anything else so far, but still has a bit of that "papery feel" to it
- Rating: 5.0
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